Love to Live & Live to Love

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Answered Prayer

Last July I attended a conference. I had been wanting to attend this conference for over three years and so I approached it with tremendous eagerness and enthusiasm. I simply could not wait to go.

The conference was outstanding; filled with amazing speakers, magnificent worship and inspiring women!

Over the course of the weekend, I passed by the prayer room several times.  I very much felt drawn to this place but was hesitant to go in.

Finally, on the morning before I left, I gathered the courage to open the door and step inside.

Upon entering, I was immeadiately aware of the Holy Spirit's undeniable presense and felt nothing but complete peace and love.

Beautiful worship music was playing softly.  Candles flickered.  I sat quietly for a while; just taking it all in.  Then a box on a corner table caught my eye.  It was a simple brown box with the words Prayer Requests written across the top.  I exhaled slowly.  This was why I was here.

For the next 15 minutes I prayed silently to my Saviour asking Him to help me pen the words I knew I needed to write.  On shaky legs, I finally stood and walked toward the box, clutching tightly the piece of paper that my request was written on.

Before I could change my mind, I dropped it quickly into the box.  A woman standing near me, placed her hands on my shoulders and with the kindest eyes, told me that someone would be praying over me and that request every day for the next year.

Wow.  Wouldn't that be awesome I thought.

And that is exactly what it has been. 

Awesome.  Amazing.  Answered prayer.

Not in a dramatic, sensational way.  But instead in slow, gentle, God-orchestrated ways; healing has taken place in my life.

It's unlikely that I will ever know the woman who has been faithfully praying for me every day for the last eight months, but I want to thank her so deeply.  From the bottom of my heart. 

May she be blessed for her faithfulness.  And may she somehow "just know" that I am lifting her up in prayer to the Lord today and thanking Him for the difference she has made in my life.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Power of Silence

There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.
A time for silence and a time to speak.  Ecc.  4:1,7

I am an introvert.
I've resisted admitting this.  I believed the term introvert to be synonymous with words such as recluse and anti-social.  Not exactly what I want to be known as.  And not true either.  I love people.  Enormously.  I just...well...sometimes need a break from them.
I recently read an article that explained the meaning of the term introvert as someone whose soul is  "powered-up" by silence. 
Ah ha!  Not that is something I can relate to and completely understand.
Unlike an extrovert who actually thrives on constant social engagement, an introvert is someone who physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually needs time spent alone in order to not only thrive but survive.
I am an introvert, married to an extrovert, and the mother of four very active children; all of who, with the exception of my second oldest son, I think it's safe to say, have inherited their father's extroverted genes.
While I love our pace of life, I often feel absolutely drained and can admit that I have caught myself longing for more silence in my day. 
Reading in Ecclesiastes this morning, I came across the familiar passage; a time for everything.  I've read it before, but today prayed for wisdom to know how to apply it's words of truth appropriately to my life.

For me, I think it simply comes down to giving myself permission to take the necessary moments of peace that I need.  Like what I'm doing now; 30 minutes in a cozy cafe with a steaming cup of coffee, my journal and my thoughts.


I believe taking time like this will not only refresh my spirit but also extend an invitation to the rest of my family to explore and tap into the power of silence in their lives.

The Power of Silence
It makes room to listening.
It gives us freedom to observe.
It allows us time to think.
It provides space to feel.
It lets us broaden our awareness.
It opens the entry to peace.
~ Author Unknown