Love to Live & Live to Love

Saturday, March 10, 2012

my 41st

Wow. Another year has gone by. And I'm turning the big 4-0!!

If I didn't have so much to be thankful for I might be depressed. But I'm not because thankfully I do.

Not that my life is perfect, far from it. 

But it's packed full of crazy chaos and love.

 And it's times of reflection like this that make me realize how blessed I am. 

Around the time of my birthday I try to come up with a list of things I'd like to work towards in the coming year.

Over the past several days I've been contemplating this list.  Here it is...

In my 41st year I'd like to:
Explore and discover more about myself and the world through photography, crafts and journalling.

Plant and grow seeds of love in my community- starting with blessings in a backpack

Be foolish! Follow God's promptings no matter how crazy they seem!

Get even silly sometimes. LOL with my kids each day!

Run my first (and most likely last) half marathon! Despite the protests of my body even before I've started training-  Disney Princess here I come!!

Eat more peacefully, naturally and locally starting with veggie box program

Take time out.

Make time for others.

Enjoy life! Not in a self centered way but with appreciation and wonder.

Nurture my soul's craving for God

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Isn't it amazing how things in the dark can seem to have more power?  In the light of day, the shadows that cause my kids to call out in fear, return to their normal state- a bookshelf, a table, a lamp.
It's the same with things that are unspoken.
Concerns, fears, issues, left silent gather strength and can easily overwhelm and isolate us.
Last week, I posted about fear and how it is a thief.  And a powerful one at that.
Today, I want to post about the antidote to fear.
The love, grace and sweet presence of Jesus.
He calms our fears.
He relieves us of the shadows that burden us.
He can shine His light into the darkest parts of our heart and soul and fill us with hope.
Fear may be a thief.
But it is no match for the love of Jesus.
Trust Him today.