Love to Live & Live to Love

Thursday, May 5, 2011

From Winnie the Pooh to My Heart

 BOOK: Puffin Modern Classics Winnie The PoohSitting in the clinic's waiting room with my little girl after getting her preschool booster, she asked me to read her a story.  How could I say no?  She had just been so brave!  I pulled her up onto my lap and settled her against me to read the story that had caught her eye.  Winnie the Pooh's Brave Adventure.  Perfect title for such a day as this.  As I read her the story, I came across a most perfect line.  So perfect in fact that I stopped reading, grabbed my notebook and wrote the words down.

"Then Christopher Robin told Pooh,
No matter what, you must always remember this; 
you are braver than you know,
stronger than you seem and smarter than you think."

I then looked my daughter in the eye and told her the very same thing. 

She looked back at me quizzically (a little concerned maybe that her mama was losing it?!) and politely asked me to keep reading.

I did, but I thought about those words all morning and can just picture Jesus saying them to us, his children.  Every day.  Jesus, our best friend, saviour, teacher and greatest cheerleader, wants us to never forget how special and amazing we are to Him.  Always.  No matter what.  Especially when we don't believe it ourselves.

It never ceases to amaze me the wonderful ways God uses to speak to my heart.

Jesus, thank you for using this story to speak to me this morning about your incredible love for us.  May we never forget how brave you have called us to be, how strong you have made us and how special you know we are.  And may we always know and trust in your perfect love for us.