Love to Live & Live to Love

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Instant Beauty

There is not much on Sunday morning television.
I only know this because a desperate attempt for distraction on the treadmill this morning determined the show called Instant Beauty Queen was my best choice.
If you've seen it you know, IBQ is a reality type show where unsuspecting, ordinary women are ambushed at local malls around the country and invited to take part in an instant beauty pageant right then and there.
I had my doubts at first but partway through the episode I was hooked; cheering for each contestant and admiring their courage.  Seriously, walking a catwalk in heels and barely anything else in front of complete strangers with no previous experience, deserves some amount of praise!
At the end of the show, after the winner was announced, each woman reflected on how taking part in this experience had impacted her. Without exception, all shared how through it they found a strength they never knew they had and conquered insecurities that had plagued them most of their life.  The women said they now felt renewed, stronger and even invincible. 
It was that word invincible that got me thinking about my children.
All four of my kids are in a tremendous season of invincibility right now.  Weekly, if not daily, it seems one or all of them announce a new team they have signed up to try out for, a club they have joined, or a skill they want to learn.  Their unbridled enthusiasm and joie de vie just makes me smile.
They are all of 11,10, 7 and 4 years old, but they are convinced, if given the chance, they can conquer the world.
What an inspiration.
What a blessing.
Several years ago, when our third son was born, my hubby and I set down on paper a list of the qualities we wanted our children to own.  We felt it was important to prayerfully and intentionally find ways to nurture and press these values deep into our children's hearts, souls and minds.
I keep this list with me at all times and it is also posted on our fridge:

  • Altruism: putting the well being of others ahead of yourself.
                   "May my children be rich in good works and give generously to those in need."  1Tim 6:8
  • Courage: courage and strength in character to do what is right and what they believe in.
                  "Don't be afraid, take courage, I am here."  Mark 6:50
  • Empathy: ability to enter into another person's feelings.
                  "May my children be clothed in tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and  patience."  Col 3:12
  • Integrity: truth, honesty
                  "May integrity and honesty protect them" Ps 25:21
  • Tenacity: never give up, perseverance and determination
                   "Let them run the race with endurance that Christ has set before them" Heb 12:1

It has been so encouraging lately for me to see God answering our prayers and growing our kids in these ways.  Because unlike, reality television, the truth is, that real beauty; the kind that is inside a person, never happens in an instant.

I pray that God would continue to help us parent our precious kids according to His perfect plan for their lives.

May my children always feel invincible when they place their trust and hope in Jesus and may they live every day confident in the knowledge of their incomparable beauty and worth to Him.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

For health, strength and daily food.
I praise your name
my God.