Love to Live & Live to Love

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

No Mom Is An Island

I am so blessed to be a mom to four great kids.  Sometimes though I can't believe they all came from the same gene pool!  They are all so different and unique. 
My second oldest son has always been very emotional and sensitive.  He also has had stomach issues over the years and after a flare up again this summer, I started to think that maybe there was a food allergy behind it.  In fact, one Sunday morning while I was praying for my kids, I felt prompted to take Zachary off gluten.  Since it was the week before back to school and I had a zillion things to do, I tucked that thought aside and figured I get to it later once the kids were settled into school.  Well, getting settled has been harder than I anticipated.  Carys has been having a hard time adjusting to Kindergarten, my youngest son's class is already getting a new teacher and while Zachary hasn't been complaining about his stomach, he has been on an emotional roller coaster; with tears one minute and anger the next. 
Yesterday, I was feeling overwhelmed with worry for him.  What is wrong?  How can I help?  Does life just really make him this sad?
My heart heavy with these thoughts, I went to answer the door.  A friend had decided to stop by for a visit.
Thankful for the distraction, I poured some tea for us and we settled down to catch up.
Not five minutes into the conversation, my heart began to lighten up as I listened to my friend tell me how her daughter had been having such a hard time emotionally that it finally got to the point where she and her husband took their doctor's advice and decided to try taking her off gluten to see if it helped.  Less than three weeks later, her daughter was back to the happy, joy filled kid she was before!
I couldn't believe it!  I excitedly asked as many questions as I could and then eagerly told my friend about my son's situation.
She agreed that taking Zach off gluten was definitely something I should try and it would seem God had been nudging me to do for a while now!
So, after many hours spent on line last night, I am off to the store this morning armed with my list of gluten free foods for Zachary to try. 

Thank you Jesus that you are always there for me.  Thank you that you love my kids even more than I do.  Thank you that you brought my friend to see me at exactly the right time.  Thank you that I don't ever have to do this mom thing alone.

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