Love to Live & Live to Love

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

simple truths

"No one wants to be my friend."  my 5 year old daughter announced at the dinner table last night.  I could hear the pain in her voice as she went on to explain what some of the kids had been saying to her at school. 
I've been there before. Haven't we all? Kids can be mean (hey adults can too!).  Learning how to deal with different people and difficult situations is a huge part of attending school.
Still it breaks a mother's heart to hear her child being called "silly", "annoying" and told she's not wanted in "the group."
I put down my fork and pulled Carys onto my lap.
As her tears flowed, I whispered; "Honey you are not those things.  You are beautiful and kind and funny and smart and you can always be in my club."
She settled down, climbed off my lap and headed away to her room to play.
Our conversation got me thinking about how everyday we come against situations or people that can cause us to question who we are and what we are worth.
What my daughter is going through right now in Kindergarten is a battle most of us will face, if not daily, then at some point during the rest of our life.
As I was cleaning up the dishes, I started thinking about a book by Beth Moore that I read several years ago.  It's called "Believing God".  In it, Moore reminds us who we are as a child of God.  No matter what the world tells us.  No matter what we may "feel" at a given time.  These truths do not change.

We are loved.
We are chosen.
We are adopted.
We are blessed.
We are forgiven.
And we are redeemed.

I pray that I would remember this; for myself and for others.  Thank you Jesus for your sweet, precious love.

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