Here's the truth.
My 7 year old son is a liar.
My husband and I used to excuse his "stories" away as just that- stories, or as lapses in his memory, or due to a lack of understanding since he was still young.
But this morning, after he had told me that he had made his bed (and he hadn't), that he had packed his school bag (and he hadn't) and that he had brushed his teeth (as I stood there holding his bone dry tooth brush), my husband and I looked at each other and realized we had a problem.
My husband talked with him and then I did. We tried to explain again why it is so important for us to tell the truth. We talked about how lying always hurts us in the end because the truth always has a way of coming to light. Before he went to school, I prayed with him and reassured him that Jesus would help him make good choices. While I do believe in miracles, I'm pretty sure we'll have to have a few more conversations with Jonah before he fully understands the importance of always telling the truth.
One of the (many) great things about being a mom is that as my children grow and learn through life, I am often challenged to examine areas in my own that need some attention!
So as I went about my morning, I found myself thinking about lying and while I can honestly say I'm not carrying around lies of my own, I do hear them and quite often believe them. The enemy is the father of lies and if I'm not careful, I can believe his whispers of deceit.
I'm not good enough.
I don't do enough.
I'm not forgiven.
I'm not loved.
Thankfully, when we recognize those lies for exactly what they are- lies and ask Jesus to fill our hearts and minds with His truth. He is faithful and will do that and so much more. He will walk with us through our day and whisper words of love and encouragement. He will tell us how much we mean to Him; not because of anything we do or have done but simply because of who we are. His.
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